Science mixing with art as café culture continues to grow
22nd May 2017
If someone was placed on a desert island in the mid-90s and then dropped in the middle of Birmingham or Manchester right now, I think you’d agree that would be quite an adjustment – right?
For café culture has enveloped our high streets making Birmingham more like Barcelona and Manchester Milan like, to reflect the Brits changing tastes in the past couple of decades.
However, as multi-nationals steamroll everything in front of them, many of us are uplifted when we see individuality – that quirky something different that makes us feel excited.
Supplying equipment to many catering establishments and shops, we at The Consumables Company witness insights into such individuality, and one such proponent of our growing coffee culture due some credit is Cairngorm Coffee, with its speciality coffee shops in Edinburgh.
In an era where the likes of Costa and Starbucks have perfected a business model to cater for the masses, the likes of Cairngorm Coffee, with its niche to offer something unique to uplift the spirit is hugely welcome.
We at The Consumables Company are honoured to help provide some of the equipment for this splendid coffee outfit. We hope our small contribution adds a little something. It’s fair to say companies like this provide the environment and coffee flavours, to enrich those going about their everyday lives.
After all, coffee is now something of a science – a million miles away from the Maxwell House and Nescafe days of the 80s that some of us a little older might recall.
Emphasising this, coffee culture is one of Europe’s fastest growing markets. In 2016 alone, the market grew by six per cent.
As we said, this café culture has changed the whole outlook of our towns and cities, and the British pub has had to reappraise itself as the healthier and more socially acceptable pastime of drinking coffee has captured the imagination.
Town centre data, as broadcast by the BBC earlier this year, illustrates this clearly.
Hotels, restaurants and now pubs are clearly aware of this love of the coffee bean, and what we are now seeing are the likes of Cairngorm Coffee becoming trail blazers for a modern lifestyle.
No doubt, the quest for new tastes in coffee will see new names beyond the latte’s and cappuccinos take hold in the upcoming years, and those who dare to be different will be the ones at the front.
The perfect coffee bean and the right amount of water at the right temperature are part of a system to deliver perfect coffee every time and this is where art and science collide. Being associated with providing something that wins fans, builds brands and adds to modern culture is something we at The Consumables Company are proud of.
We raise a tall latte to Cairngorm Coffee and all those likewise in whatever industry toiling and thinking to give a little something special, which enriches us all.